Dworek Góralski Restauracja i Hotel, Łodygowice
, Łodygowice

Highlander Room

highlander's party

We invite the fans of true highlander style parties to the Highland Room.

To young couples who appreciate regionalism and fun in the atmosphere of highlander feasts, we recommend the Highlander Room, which is a comfortable and cozy space to party where your guests will be carried away by the dance madness. Thanks to its excellent acoustics, it is suitable for weddings and all kinds of dance parties. The spacious dance floor allows for free fun, and the innovative Led lighting system allows for a wide range of lighting effects tailored to each room decor, the nature of the event and your individual expectations.

The spacious interior, thanks to its size, allows you to set up rural, sushi seafood, and sweet-dessert buffets with a fantastic chocolate fountain and drinks. We can host even 200 people in the Highlander Room. The room is air-conditioned and is equipped with Wi-Fi internet access.

Room arrangement:

The unique character of the room is determined by the elements of its decor: carved highlander chairs, impressive chandeliers, wooden interior and even hand-painted washbasins. Fixed elements of the decoration, for which we do not charge an additional fee, include: snow-white tablecloths, white or red tablecloths, highlander scarves, elegant banquet napkins, candlesticks and white candles, red carpet (unfolded in front of the entrance to the hall), backlighting the hall with led lights.

Advantages of the Góralska Hall:

  • accommodation facilities
  • own car park
  • Wi-Fi access
  • innovative lighting system led
  • corner for children with X-box
  • playground
  • separate space for team/DJ
  • separate space for setting up additional bars and buffets with snacks
  • air conditioning
  • projector
  • screen

Stay packages

Flexible offer without boarding
from 185PLN /pers./night
from 185PLN /pers./night

An ideal price offer for Guests with confirmed plans.

Offer Details

Flexible offer without boarding

Standard stay
from 200PLN /pers./night
from 200PLN /pers./night

Comfortable stay with breakfast and access to all available attractions.

Offer Details

Standard stay

Holiday in the mountains
from 322PLN /pers./night
from 322PLN /pers./night

Hotel Dworek Góralski is a perfect place for a holiday rest for the whole family. In our facility, adults will find a moment of relaxation and respite ...

Offer Details

Holiday in the mountains

Romantic Package for Couples
from 560PLN /pers./night
from 560PLN /pers./night

Zaręczyny, urodziny, rocznica…

Offer Details

Romantic Package for Couples

Kobiece odprężenie
from 518PLN /pers./night
from 518PLN /pers./night

Urodziny, Panieński, Babski weekend, Dzień kobiet… 

Offer Details

Kobiece odprężenie

Magia Nocy
from 418PLN /pers./night
from 418PLN /pers./night

Romantyczny, jednodniowy pakiet dla zakochanych, którzy chcą spędzić razem niezapomniane i relaksujące chwile. Pobyt umili relaks w strefie Wellness ...

Offer Details

Magia Nocy

See all

Dworek Góralski Restauracja i Hotel
ul. Kasztanowa 108
34-325 Łodygowice, PL

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